The Art of Giving and Receiving

Elevate your relationships by navigating boundaries and desires with confidence and grace

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Many people feel lost when it comes to expressing their desires or establishing healthy limits in relationships.

You might be feeling overwhelmed by unclear boundaries, unsure of how to express your needs, or frustrated by unsatisfying connections.

  • Uncertainty: You’re not always clear about what you want, making it difficult to ask for or receive what you truly need.
  • Fear of Rejection: You hesitate to say no, or you fear hearing it, leading to compromises that don’t feel good.
  • Unsatisfying Intimacy: You find yourself going along with things that don’t truly resonate with you, but you’re unsure how to change the dynamic.

If any of this sounds familiar, know that you’re not alone. Many of us weren’t taught how to navigate these complex dynamics. But change is possible—you can learn to bring clarity and confidence into your relationships.

That’s exactly what this workshop is designed to help you achieve. Let’s take the first step toward transforming your relationships.

In this workshop, you’ll step into a deeply immersive experience where learning goes beyond theory—it’s felt, embodied, and practised in real time.

This event stands out because it’s highly somatic and deeply integrated, focusing on choosing rather than just doing. Here’s what you can expect:

Somatic Practices

You’ll engage in exercises that bring you out of your head and into your body, helping you develop an inner compass to navigate your boundaries and desires with ease.

Paired Activities

Through guided activities in pairs, you’ll practise expressing your needs and listening to others in a safe, supportive environment. This practice is key to understanding giving and receiving at a profound level.

Reflective Discussions

We’ll come together as a group to reflect on our experiences, share insights, and deepen our understanding of the dynamics of giving and receiving. This reflection helps you move from intellectual concepts to embodied wisdom.

Practical Tools

You’ll leave with practical tools and techniques, including the structured Wheel of Consent model, to unpack the dynamics of giving and receiving and align your actions with your true desires, confidently and clearly, in everyday life.

This is more than just a workshop—it’s a transformational journey that will empower you to connect with yourself and others in a profoundly authentic way.

Sign Up for My Transformation

When the workshop ends, you’ll carry with you more than just new knowledge—you’ll embody a profound understanding of how to create and sustain healthy, fulfilling relationships. 

You’ll leave equipped with the tools and insights you need to live a life that feels authentic, empowered, and joyfully connected:

Meet the Teacher

Hi, I’m Adam Taffler, and I’m here to walk with you on this journey of self-discovery and relational transformation. I used to be a people pleaser, and while I’m recovering, I understand what it’s like to not ask for what you want and to feel unsatisfied. My own journey led me to study with renowned experts like Betty Martin, where I learned the power of somatic practices and embodied awareness. Now, I’m committed to bringing all my experience, care, and dedication to support you in this workshop. Together, we’ll explore how to break free from old patterns and create relationships that are authentic, fulfilling, and deeply connected.

Get Your Ticket

As soon as you register, your journey begins. You’ll receive a welcome email with our Pre-Workshop Nurturing Pack, which includes the "Waking Up the Hands" exercise, a selection of videos, and a curated reading list. These resources are optional, designed to gently introduce you to the workshop’s concepts and support your journey even before we meet. We’re here to ensure you feel cared for and prepared from the very first step.

The Art of Giving and Receiving


Dates: 7 - 8 December

Time: 10am - 6pm (both days)

Location: Shambhala Meditation Centre, 27 Belmont Cl, London SW4 6AY


Frequently Asked Questions

This workshop is ideal for:

  • Individuals & Couples:
    - Uncover hidden dynamics in your relationships.
    - Develop healthy boundaries and navigate what you do and don’t want.
    - Enhance connection, intimacy, and sensuality.

  • Counsellors, Therapists, Masseurs:
    - Learn a new model for client work and consent.
    - Strengthen personal and professional boundaries.
    - Apply tools and practices with clients.

  • Solopreneurs, Entrepreneurs, Organizations:
    - Clarify personal boundaries and improve communication.
    - Make clear agreements and enhance integrity.
    - Integrate the Wheel of Consent into your work.

The Wheel of Consent, developed by Dr. Betty Martin, is a structured model that helps you clearly understand the dynamics of giving and receiving in relationships. In this workshop, we use the Wheel of Consent to break down these dynamics, enabling you to navigate them with clarity and confidence in your daily life.

We recommend bringing comfortable clothing that allows for movement, a notebook for reflections, and an open mind ready for exploration and growth. All other materials will be provided.


Yes, this workshop is designed to be accessible and beneficial for people of all experience levels. Whether you’re new to these concepts or have some background, you’ll find value in the practical tools and insights offered. 

You’ll receive a welcome email with our Pre-Workshop Nurturing Pack, designed to gently introduce you to the workshop’s concepts and support your journey even before we meet. We’re here to ensure you feel cared for and prepared from the very first step.

To ensure a personalized and supportive experience, the workshop is limited to a small group of 18 participants. This allows for meaningful interactions and individual attention.

All physical exercises are fully clothed, non-sexual, and conducted with the utmost respect for personal boundaries. You’re encouraged to participate at your comfort level, and there’s no pressure to engage in anything that feels uncomfortable.


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